Welcome to PFweb

Host for these websites:

  • Citizens for the Revitalization of Temple Terrace

  • Peleliu Tribute

  • Patrick M. Finelli, Ph.D., LLC

  • Paradise Press

Paradise Press is a trademarked independent publishing house committed to publishing books of
exceptional value written by expert authors that provide unique historical and personal perspectives on
important events for our readers. We feature high quality sewn bindings and utilize the latest
techniques in image processing, font selection, and printing.



CRTT stands for 'Citizens for the Revitalization of Temple Terrace'. Founded in 2001, CRTT is a grassroots citizen's group dedicated to the Revitalization of Temple Terrace.

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Peleliu Tribute


This site is a tribute to my father, a USMC World War II veteran who served at Peleliu, Yap and Ulithi in perilous combat and kept a wartime journal.

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Consulting Services


Our goal is to provide consulting services to the architect based upon discussions and a clear understanding of the client's needs and expectations. Our focus areas include lighting, sound, communications, video, rigging, the stage and architecture.

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